Bac Ninh is bounded by Bac Giang to the North, by Hanoi to the West, by Hung Yen and some parts of Hanoi to the South, by Hai Duong Province to the East.
Area: 823,1 km2.
Topographic features: The province has quite flat topography.
Administrative units: It is divided into 1 city (Bac Ninh city) and 7 districts: Yen Phong, Tien Du, Tu Son, Que Vo, Thuan Thanh, Luong Tai and Gia Binh.
Population: 1,028,800 (Statistics Yearbook of 2007)
Transportation system: It is convenient for traveling in the province with 3 means of transportation which are roadway, waterway and railway. The province has 125km of national highways (4 national highways: 1A, 1B, 38 and 18). There are 3 large rivers (Cau, Duong, Thai Binh rivers) running through the province with 3 river ports: Dap Cau port and two specialized ones of Dap Cau and Qu Vo floating glass factories. The province has 24km of Hanoi-Lang Son railway route.