Ha Nam is located at the geographic north latitude and between 20o-110o longitude 105o East, the West-South Red river delta, in the key areas of economic development of Tonkin.
Area: 859.7 km2
Topographic features: Ha Nam is situated in the delta but next to mountains. Therefore, it has features of both delta and mountains. The Western part of the province (accounting for 10-15% of the total area) is the half-mountain half-plain area with limestone, mountainous soils and forestry hills. The majority of soil here are yellow-brown soil in ancient silt, red-yellow soil in clay rock, red-brown soil in base rock and brown-red soil in limestone, which are suitable for industrial crops, fruit trees and timbers. Many caves with historical, cultural monuments of the region can be exploited to promote tourism. The Eastern part of the province (accounting for 85-90% of the total area)is plain whose level is raised by large rivers. The region has rich soil, suitable for water paddy, subsidiary crops and short-term industrial crops such as sugarcane, mulberry, Soya bean, groundnut and fruits. The majority of land here is spitted by quite dense river system. Therefore, there are many ponds, lakes, lagoons, deep paddy fields, rivers suitable for aquaculture and breeding of waterfowls. There are several large rivers running through the province such as Red river, Day river, Chau river and manmade rivers (Nhue river, Sat river, Nong Giang river, etc).
Administrative units: The province is divided into 1 town (Phu Ly-the capital of the province), 5 districts: Duy Tien, Kim Bang, Ly Nhan, Thanh Liem and Binh Luc.
Population: 8,266,000 (2006)
“Transportation system: Ha Nam is situated in the important North – South transportation axis with national highway no. 1 and others such as national highway no. 21, 21B, 38 running through. It has 50 km of North-South railway route. The province’s transportation system is complete, convenient for goods and passenger transportation with over 4,000 km roadway including national highways, provincial, district, communal roads covered with tar or concretized; over 200km convenient waterway with 42 concrete built bridges; thousands kilometers of rural roads. It is also quick and convenient to travel from Phu Ly town to other provinces in the Red river delta.
– Power supply system: The system has extended to almost all communes. Power from National network has been supplied to all households, enterprises, State bodies in Phu Ly town and districts. The power supply is stable even at rush hours. The electricity charge is 700VND/kW/h. The system will be improved to meet the national standards for promoting modernization, industrialization and socio-economic development of the province.
– Water supply and drainage system: The province’s irrigational system with 87km of river dykes, irrigation pump stations thousand kilometers of drainage canals is quite good ensuring irrigation, flood drainage, disaster avoiding for local people and enterprises. In the coming years, the irrigational system will be improved and expanded for modernization and concretization.
Clean water supply system with the capacity of 25.000 m3/day has not been used up to its maximum capacity. Clean water is supplied to 97% of households in Phu Ly town and hundred thousands of households in rural areas (54%).
– Post and telecommunication system: There is one post office in Phu Ly town, 5 post offices in districts, 33 commune post offices and nearly 100 commune post points. There are telephone network in all wards/communes, state administrative and economic units. There are post points in every industrial zone. There is 1 telephone for every 70 persons. Mobile phone can be reached everywhere in the province. Every year, over 90,000 postal parcels, airmails and about 14,000-15,000 letters and monetary telegrams can be handled. Local radio, television, communication transmission lines have been expanded. It is convenient to have access to post, telecommunication services nationwide and worldwide from the province.
– Industrial zones: There are 5 industrial zones in the provinces: Dong Van with the area of 400 hectares; Chau Son lies in the West of Phu Ly town with the area of 169 hectares, Hoang Dong with the area of 100 hectares, located in Duy Tien district, 48 km from Hanoi in the South, Chau Giang with the area of 132.4 hectares, located in communes of Chuyen Ngoai, Trac Van (Hoa Mac district).
Source :en.vietnamexport.com